Buffy Esler

Director and Designer

Tena koutou katoa
Ko Puwheke te maunga
Ko Awanui te awa
Ko Mamaru te waka
Ko Ngati Kahu te iwi
Ko Ngati Ranginui te hapu
Ko kareponia te marae
Ko Ian Esler toku matua
Ko Margaret Kemp toku whaea
Ko Buffy Esler toku ingoa
No Auckland ahau
Kei Cairns toku inaianei
No reira, tena koutou, tena koutou, tena tatou katoa

Buffy Esler is our principal Designer who creates stunning custom pieces and designs at Wild Whaea. Her exceptional eye, attention to detail and fine hand bring her concepts and ideas to fruition. Drawing on many years’ worth of experience, she uses an array of materials and textiles to create clothing, jewellery, accessories, and contemporary Māori kakahu.

Embracing her Māori heritage and culture, she enjoys expressing this through her mahi, entwining her mana, wairua & aroha into each stitch to bring to life each precious taonga. As an incredibly talented seamstress, she continues to share aspects of Māori design, culture and aspirations with the broader community. Designing all her pieces with purposeful intent, she understands that her art contributes to precious memories made that last a lifetime. As such, she takes great care to ensure that every piece offered by Wild Whaea is given the aroha and attention to quality it deserves.

Reyhana Wolf-Norris

Director & Media Manager

Reyhana Wolf-Norris is our inhouse Digital, Media and Marketing Creative. With many years experience in photography, she is an integral part of Wild Whaea. Whether it is assisting in the creation of custom pieces or photography & videography, Reyhana's eye for style, colour and digital technologies allows us make our products and service visible to the world.

Reyhana has proud ancestry in New Caledonia and from her cultural roots and having been bought up with extend Maori whanau she expresses great respect and love for all indigenous cultures and communities. Reyhana's greatest enjoyment comes from her 4 children and watching them performing in kapa haka and music groups, with music having a profound impact in their lives.

All of Reyhana's photography & videography is copyrighted, if you wish to use any of her images please contact her at rey@wildwhaea.com.au for all requests.